I have used planners in the past, but I have a bit of ADD when it comes to planning. I love planners, but I tend to buy them and then bounce around from one to another without any direction. I think that might be because I need to use more than one, and I thought that I should be able to function with just one. This is also complicated by the fact that I'm a tech geek, and I use several tech tools to keep me organized. So, this got me thinking about the role that tech should play in our planning and organization.
I think this is a really personal choice. I don't think I could ever go totally digital. For one, I need the physical act of crossing things off a list to feel like I've accomplished something. Silly, I know, but it's the truth. So, I am going to set up a few different paper planners and assign them "jobs" in order to help me focus on specific areas of my life. I will discuss what I've got lined up, but first let's run down what IS digital in my life.
There are three digital tools that I would be completely lost without.
Cozi Family Calendar
I've written about this app/website before, but it's so great I'm going to mention it again! This is the main calendar that I share with my husband and teenage daughters. EVERYTHING goes on this calendar. We even have our two dogs on the calendar, because they have appointments too :) We are extremely busy people, and this helps us know where everyone is at all times. It updates in real time, so everyone can make appointments/plans without worrying about conflicts. There is also a shared list feature, but we don't tend to use it. One of the other features is a recipe and meal planning tool. I recently started using this, and I love it! I entered our favorite recipes, so I have them available on the go. There is also an Add to Cozi Meals add on for your desktop that allows you to add those recipes from Pinterest you're always pinning (and never going back to) right into the app! As much as I love this app, there is a new app I'm looking into that could possibly replace my Cozi obsession. Stay tuned! Check out Cozi at www.cozi.com
Google Keep
Most people have heard of Google Keep, but in case you haven't it is another great tool that can be shared with anyone. I usually use it as a board that keeps all of my lists. I use the app on my phone to add websites, books, websites, apps, hashtags, and ideas to running lists that I can go back to anytime I want. It is handy when you don't have time to get something down on paper. You can color code and tag the lists with key words. Check it out at keep.google.com
Google Drive
I'll be honest. Until last year, I really didn't use Google Drive. I was just so used to saving files to my thumb drive that I didn't make the switch. This year I've become an avid user! Again, most people are familiar with Google Drive, but if you aren't completely sure what it is, here's a quick rundown. It is cloud based, so there is no saving to a thumb drive or hard drive. The advantage to this setup is that files are accessible anywhere you have internet access. There is even a Google Drive app. Of course, the downfall is you need internet access so there's always the worry that when the internet goes down you're out of luck. This is another tool that is shareable and updates in real time. Always a plus when you're collaborating on a project. Check it out at www.google.com/drive
Those are my top 3 digital organization tools. Okay, on to my paper planners setup! I will wrap this up by sharing one of my new planners. I stumbled upon this one on Facebook. I clicked the link and was immediately intrigued! It is called the Commit 30 Planner. The idea behind it is that you create a goal or habit for the month and track how often you are implementing that habit. So, I thought I would give it a shot! I am currently setting up my planner for January. My goal for January is to "utilize my planners to manage my time and tasks" better. I am suppose to come up with a reward for myself if I reach my goal of 30 days. Here is a picture of my Monthly Goal page.
Just to be clear, this is not a paid review of the Commit30 planner. I am just sharing a product that I think will be useful. I will share my other planners and their "jobs" in other posts. Check out Commit30 at www.commit30.com